

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Outings: Hangin' Out With the Teach


Gotta love them, those oh-wise-ones who held so much power over us in our adolescence, those lovely people who pretend like we actually read the pages that they assign to us (okay, wait... Confession. I think I was just about the only person ever in high school who actually did the assigned reading. I like books, okay?).

I was mildly obsessed with my teachers. Mostly because many of them were close to my sister's age, so I basically took that to mean that we were all practically best friends. I grilled them on their personal lives and left no territory uncovered (even ex-boyfriends... whoops, sorry about that!). I stayed after school well into late afternoon to hang out with them and help them file papers. Ultimate cool kid, right here.

I've kept in touch with several of the teachers that I was closest with. Thanks a bunch, handy dandy Facebook! And yesterday evening, Brina and I spent few hours with our junior year English teacher, Mrs. H and her adorable little girl Sadie. It was such a special treat. Mrs. H and the funny little mini-person were such delightful company!

Our festivities included: a scrumptious dinner at Freebird's, which is basically a hipper/edgier answer to Chipotle. And in my humble opinion, more delicious. I went with the Hybird size [health tip: eating out is definitely okay every once in awhile, but go for the smaller portion sizes!] - flour tortilla, Spanish rice, refried beans, chicken, and lettuce. So darn satisfying. Next, we drove to a Barnes & Noble that has a Starbucks in it, where I indulged in an iced chai and a chocolate raspberry cake pop. I've never had a cake pop from Starbucks before, but it's fantastic and perfect for a tiny treat! Miniature things are just so much better, don't you think? We proceeded to play with toy trains and Lego's in the children's department and had a hippity-happity time.

Afterwards, Sadie and Mrs. H left and Brina and I wandered around the store and went next door to Aaron Brothers, an art and framing store. They were having a Buy One, Get One for 1 Cent sale for many items, and we snagged a Moleskine notebook each for about 10 bucks. What a deal!

Not to ramble on any longer, but we definitely had a lot of fun and I can't wait to do it again!


  1. Sounds like fun! I've never tried a cake pop from Starbucks, but I can't wait to try one when i visit the states.


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xx Caroline