

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Summer Bucket List

For those of you out of school already (so like 96% of all students), lucky you.

I still have 25 more days to go until I hop on the plane that will take me back home. Of course, it's intensely bittersweet. I don't want to leave this dorm, don't want to leave Stanford and my friends here for three whole months. I don't want to give up that freedom I've come to take for granted. But I'm also extremely excited.

For the past six or seven summers, I've been in China. I go to visit my family and sometimes I travel a little bit. But I've missed out on a lot of summer plans/adventures. I've never had that stereotypical summer-summer.

Now, however, this summer is my opportunity to have that and I'm holding on tight to it. Several things that I want to do this summer:

  1. BEACH days. I live forty minutes away from Galveston for a reason.
  2. Watch the sunrise/set by the ocean.
  3. Go horseback riding on the beach. 
  4. Crawfish boil!
  5. Get my actual driver's license. <-- long story there, but it'll happen!
  6. Spend a whole day at the bookstore.
  7. Go to a cafe and just write for hours.
  8. Stargaze. In the bed of a truck filled with pillows and blankets. 
  9. Go camping on the beach.
  10. Get unfinished things finished.(stole this from Brina, thanks girl.)
  11. Get a job.
  12. Shop. A lot.
  13. See my friends. A lot.
  14. Leave town for the day.
  15. Get really tan.
Get ready!

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xx Caroline