A few days ago, I was on the phone with my best friend and I found myself telling her about how the pace of my life changes every so often. Some seasons, it's slow and easygoing. Others, it's like being in a time warp–sitting down one night, realizing the date, and being like whoa, what. Where did this entire month go.
Now? Now, you've caught me smack in the middle of the two. The last several weeks have been a season of Crockpot meals and vats of chicken pesto pasta, chilly mornings and busy workdays and 5pms that feel like 10pms and unwinding to the patriotic opening theme of the West Wing. I swear, this show has taken over my life and I'm perfectly content with it. There's been grappling with post-election thoughts, and what I can do in my little bubble to make this country a better place, and conversations with colleagues and friends about what it all means. I've been playing with other people's dogs and using weekends to catch up on work in cafes all over San Francisco and writing travel blog posts and falling into Reddit rabbit holes of Fall TV discussion. It's been slow, it's been routine, it's been a lot of time spent in my head.
Now? Now, you've caught me smack in the middle of the two. The last several weeks have been a season of Crockpot meals and vats of chicken pesto pasta, chilly mornings and busy workdays and 5pms that feel like 10pms and unwinding to the patriotic opening theme of the West Wing. I swear, this show has taken over my life and I'm perfectly content with it. There's been grappling with post-election thoughts, and what I can do in my little bubble to make this country a better place, and conversations with colleagues and friends about what it all means. I've been playing with other people's dogs and using weekends to catch up on work in cafes all over San Francisco and writing travel blog posts and falling into Reddit rabbit holes of Fall TV discussion. It's been slow, it's been routine, it's been a lot of time spent in my head.
And as for what's next... well, things are speeding up. Going from 0 to 60, if you will. What with planning to be on the road as much as I'll be home (I'm in Seattle for half of this week, flying to Boston for the second half, and then will be back in Seattle for Christmas), holiday parties, having friends in town, ramping up the festive, major life changes like possibly apartment hunting (in San Francisco) (HELP) (this is what nightmares are made of) up in the air... let's just say that it's a darn good thing these previous weeks have been all about saving up mental energy. Looks like I'll be needing it.

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xx Caroline