

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Ideas For Those "But What Do YOU Want To Do" Days

Alright, you know what I'm talking about, don't you?

The, I don't really care what we do, I just want to do something. What do YOU want to do, I'm indifferent, I swear, dance where everyone involved repeats that exact same statement close to forty times before a tense and huffy silence befalls the crowd. Pretty soon, you're hearing the FRIENDS theme song for the sixth time in two hours and you kinda sorta wanna clap your own face off at the next "so no one told you life was gonna be this wayyyyy."


I have for you a few ideas to help you (and me) combat that sitchy the next time it should happen (ahem, tomorrow?) – and forgive me if too many of these favor the indoors. San Francisco looks determined to make up for the last few years' drought in the span of like, two weeks, sooooo doing everything I can here to punch cabin fever in the face.
:: Be the tourist for a day. Go on TripAdvisor or find a travel guide on Pinterest for your closest city and find the top 3 things to do and eat that you haven't done or eaten before, and have at it! Cassandra and I sampled clam chowders at Blue Mermaid, ordered Irish Coffees, and used new iPhone filters to document it all. And we could still grumpily berate the real tourists under our breaths for not knowing how to drive properly, while feeling secretly smug that hey, this place we call home ain't half bad yo.

:: Pop a bottle of champagne for no reason, and film a vlog. Our vlog will never see the light of day but holy HECK it was a hoot doing the Whisper Challenge and whatever other stupid whims we fancied. Our idiocy cracked us up so hard, Cassandra fell off the bed. Maybe I DO need to show you guys this footage!
:: Play it old school. A board game from your childhood (but not Candyland because that one really sucks). Bowling or roller blading or laser tagging... make your badass seventh grade self proud, essentially.

:: See what's free. I'm cheap, but I'm also a sucker for moments that could populate my Instagram. Easiest way around this is to keep constant tabs on what's free and somewhat hoppin' in my general vicinity: concerts, museum exhibits, food fests, beer walks, my best friend's Netflix accou– frick, wait.
:: Duck into a bookstore. I know, I know, #basic. But screw it, just go. If you'd like to kick it up a notch, pick out a book for each other to read, and then retreat to a park or a cafe. Is your friend going through a rough time? Pick out a funny, inspirational, we've all been there, but yes it sucks for you right now humor book (a la Amy or Tina or Mindy). Is she traveling somewhere soon? A guide book! Is she diehard Team Spuffy? The most recent Buffy comic will suffice, please and thank you.

:: Bake a sweet treat and watch a classic movie you've never seen before. Someone told me the other day they'd never seen When Harry Meets Sally before. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO RECTIFY SUCH A MISTAKE.

(Yes, Harry Potter is a classic, don't you worry about that one.)

(I finally saw Cruel Intentions last weekend, and think Roman Holiday is next up!)
:: Go phoneless. Then, report back for an "I Survived" t-shirt. I'll order in bulk.

:: Plan ahead. So understandably, if you're thinking "but what do YOU want to do now" at the moment, it's slightly too late for major shenanigans. Instead, why don't you spend a couple of hours planning something for the future? It can be a pinning down a European vacation or a friendship cruise, or picking out the perfect Airbnb for a weekend trip somewhere closer, or even booking a bartending or latte art class. Spend this blah day in research mode, and then savor the sweet anticipation from here on out!

What do you always end up doing when you can't nail down a plan for the day?


  1. Love this post! My typical go-to for days like that is skimming through Yelp and looking for new places to eat - very typical but let's be honest, what's better than trying out a new restaurant (preferably with a cocktail in hand)!

    xx, Caitlin

    1. You are my type of friend! There is indeed NOTHING better than trying out a new restaurant, cocktail in hand :)

  2. This is brilliant! I could have used this when my friend was here! Haha. We had the odd 'but what do we do?' day. We ended up buying snacks and watching too much Netflix. If there is such a thing ;)

  3. Love it! And it makes me feel like I need a day like this again (after my NYC day last week)!

  4. Great post! I love the bookshop idea, I've never thought to go with someone and pick out a book for them, that's so lovely xxx
    Lucy @ La Lingua | Food, Travel, Italy

  5. If you want to go out, seeing what is going on that is free. And if you want to stay in, I love the idea of a classic movie you have never seen before!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  6. Being a tourist for a day is a great idea. I mean I live in NYC and there is so much to do that I should really be taking full advantage of what NY has to offer and that's a good idea of just being a tourist! Sure, Why Not!

    Liliana | LiliX❤ana


your comments truly make my day! :)
thank you!

xx Caroline