

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

Sister, Sister

Before flying home for Thanksgiving,
I spent Friday night/Saturday with my sister in the city.
I always have the very best time
when it's just the two of us.

A look at my busy, productive, crazy-fun weekend:

After spending the day out and about with my best friend Mollie,
I chilled by myself at my sister's awesome apartment,
chowing down on gelato, sipping some pink lemonade, and reading some blogs!
It was a big-girl moment, guys.

On Saturday, we were up bright & early
to get some brunch at Chez Maman.

chips & guac

the sister's carne asada quesadillas.

salad + croque madame.

And if that wasn't enough of a food coma, 
we then paid a visit to...

Smitten Ice Cream,
which is a shack-like ice cream place
that serves up the best liquid nitrogen ice cream I've ever had.
I've never had liquid nitrogen ice cream before,
but I'm certain this was excellent :)
I had cinnamon apple spice with caramel syrup! Dee-lish.

Afterwards, we got our eyebrows done,
and then hit Anthropologie!
I'm loving all of these holiday displays,
it's a huge reason as to why this is my favorite time of the year.

And then I fell in love.
With these little ones above.
We volunteered for the SF ASPCA by "greeting" people outside of the Macy's window displays where these guys were hanging out [they get lots of play time and food/water, don't you worry!] and it took everything in me not to go adopt this puppy myself.
It was also wonderful to see people lighting up when they saw these fellas-
it just shows - a puppy is the answer to world peace!

That wasn't all.

After hanging with the cutie pies, we went and grabbed Starbucks,
then saw Pitch Perfect (hilarious! why can't I sing!),
then stopped by the new city Target (heaven!),
where I got lipstick, brie, crackers, and the new Glamour for my plane ride.
And then forgot the brie for the actual plane ride. Boo...

(Pause for a breath) and then we went back to my sister's apartment,
where I caught the Stanford/Oregon game on TV
SUCH an exciting, exhilarating, excellent game! (totally not biased!)
Then, after some spaghetti & meatballs,
I was on my shuttle to the airport to the plane through the night to my dad's car to home to bed where I currently am right now.

Happy Tuesday!
(and a big kiss & a thank you to my big sister who made the weekend so wonderful!)


  1. I always want to eat what you are eating! Delicious looking!!!

  2. Sounds like an amazing day and your picture of chips and guacamole made me really hungry!

  3. Love your delicious food photos! Lovely! Ice cream, lemonade and blogs sound like a perfect combo ;)

    LA By Diana Live Magazine

  4. So cool!! I love spending time with my sister too, couldn't be better! :D

    the fashion nerd

  5. aw that is so nice you have a sister to hang out with! looks like a lovely time!


  6. I really love this post and your blog!!! If you want take a look to my blog!!! Follow each other on GFC and on the other socials??!!! Let me know dear!! kiss :D

  7. Sounds like a perfect weekend to me. Sisters are the best!

    That nitrogen ice cream looks delicious! Anytime I see shelter puppies, I just want to take them home and love them. But I already have two at home and don't think I could handle a third.

  8. Sounds like you had such a nice weekend! I def. saw the puppies at macy's and almost died from all the cuteness! it took everything in me to not adopt one :)


  9. Oh gosh, I'm going into a food coma just looking at all of this food! And the puppies, just perfect! Sounds like the perfect weekend ;)
    xo TJ

  10. Sounds amazing! I love spending time with my sister :) And visiting Anthropolige?? That would make any trip amazing :) xoxo! eliza (p.s. we have the same keyboard cover!)

  11. yum all that food!! that guacamole and chips looks soooo good!

  12. Delicious pictures !!



  13. This post just makes me hungry. lol


  14. Lovely pictures & the food looks so yummy!

  15. Spending time with siblings is always fun. Especially when there are multiple good eats involved :) yum!


your comments truly make my day! :)
thank you!

xx Caroline