I turned 19 years old on April 17 and that was a strange day to say the least. I was showered at midnight-- Stanford tradition. Then we partook in some minor festivities in the 2nd floor girls bathroom before going fountain-hopping. Carl, Alex, Lauren, Cassandra, Karen, Kylie, and Annika all came and it was wonderfully freezing in the fountains that we visited. Then we went back home and chilled in Annika's room until 4 AM. My favorite kind of night.
{ cold and wet and happy }
The rest of the day wasn't as great. I had an emotional breakdown or two about the strangest things. Not being with my family or friends from back at home. Seeing Facebook birthday wishes from people I don't even talk to anymore. Realizing I'll be 20 next year. Panicking about next year- being here but not here here at Serra, not being with the dorm that I love with all my heart, having everybody scattered all across our large campus.
But later that night, when there were only a couple of hours left of my birthday, my friends took me to Lag Late Nite for brownies and ice cream and other greasy foods. All throughout the day several of my other friends dropped in just to hang out. Throughout the week, gifts and packages came in. I had midnight talks, wandered across campus with people, just did cool things with people I love.
And then it hit me like the bird kept on hitting the window in my IHUM class today.
Everything was going to be okay. Life is good, I'm surrounded by people that I love and admire, I'm at my favorite place in the whole entire world, living my dream. Next year, being so spread out across campus just meant having more places to crash at night, more dining halls to eat at, actually investing in friendships instead of allowing convenience direct our relationships. I am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life, people who have listened when I needed them to, been with me when I felt lonely, and laughed with me when I wanted to cry. That thought gave me immense comfort and such an epiphany (and let's be honest-- the brownies) saved my birthday.
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xx Caroline