

San Francisco

San Francisco
San Francisco

Laugh With Me

Laugh With Me
Laugh With Me

The Daily Routine

At 6:00am every day when my alarm goes off for the first time, I cry inside and then blindly take my frustration out on my poor phone as I suffocate the noise by stuffing it under my pillowcase (too much effort to open my eyes and you know... turn it off) or hitting it repeatedly against my mattress.

It sucks, because I don't even get up for another hour. It's just that I like to torture myself by making irrational decisions every night such as, oh of course I can wake up at 6, make some coffee, answer some emails, clean my room, and save the world. Every night I fool myself. Every morning I hate myself.

I mentioned the other day that I recently started a new gig, which is fine and dandy (VERY fine and dandy in fact because my overpriced coffee addiction is not funding itself, and also because I'm minorly obsessed with everything about my company) – mental note that I need to share more with you in due time – but the ONE thing I don't think I can ever make peace with is that Monday through Friday, my days look almost exactly the same.

I miss college where one day we could drive to the next town for boba, and the following day we could nap two hours after waking up and then spend the afternoon hammocking or doing something equally as productive. Spontaneity! No planning ahead! Footloose and fancy free!
So yes, my days go something like this more often than not now:

Cry to self. Too early.
Drag self out of bed.
Shower. Make self look not-so-scary.
Read some blogs, maybe make a cup of coffee, fry an egg if I'm feeling particularly crazy.
Leave apartment. Buy coffee on the way to train.
Train [Instagram, e-book, mental movie montage, etc.] for way too long.
Work work work.
Treat self to coffee.*
Work work work.
Train home.
Putter around the kitchen until 1) I eat a weird dinner of three meatballs or corn and black beans or like, IDK, pasta and pesto, 2) I think 'wow I was so ambitious this is such a joke' and go order Mexican food instead, or 3) a roommate takes pity and makes extra food for me.
Hog the TV for a couple of hours.
Fall asleep reading Tumblr.**

*Ah, now you understand when I say addiction, I meant it's getting out of hand.
**If I had to choose a social media network as a spirit animal – website?? – it would be Tumblr. Dorky, TV-loving, hilarious, concerningly obsessed with shipping certain TV couples, a little loony but ultimately know-what-they-love, homebody types. 

What's your spirit social media network? If you say Instagram or Pinterest, teach me your ways please.


  1. "fry an egg if I'm feeling particularly crazy"---laughed out loud at this. Also I can really relate to puttering around the kitchen for dinner...I usually walk into the kitchen starving but can't decide what I want so I have a few slices of cheese, then putter. Maybe have a couple chips with salsa, then putter some more. Possibly go for a spoonful of peanut butter (or three) and then finally figure out what I could make but then I'm not even hungry any more.

    I would say my spirit social media network would be Instagram, just because I am a sucker for the Explore tab. Its too addicting for me! I am queen of editing photos for Instagram and spend so much time doing that, but actually forgetting to post them.

    Also sorry if this comment is too long, I just finished a cup of coffee so I have a caffeine buzz and I can just really relate to this post!

  2. I read "roommate" and I was like "OH IT'S ME"

    and then I realized
    no, it's not me.
    I'm in LA.
    My roommate is loneliness.

    <3 xoxo see you soon

  3. I can so relate to the morning struggle...I want to be a productive morning person, I really do, and every night I convince myself I can get up an hour earlier than usual and get so much done...then I just end up hitting snooze about 7 times...

  4. I fool myself every night as well. I have such good plans for an early morning wake up call to get so much done. Never happens. One day. One day.

    Also, I really want to hear about your new company!!

    And just to be super lame...I think I've been on tumblr maybe twice my entire life. Should I do that tonight instead of FB? Because I literally hate FB but somehow I find myself reading through the crazy.

  5. My husband does the same thing with the alarm... so every nine minutes I'm like KILL ME NOW....back to sleep... KILL ME NOW... no more sleep. I feel you. YAY for a new gig and an obsess-worthy company!!

  6. Haha I just did a similar post. But hey, you're a better person than me that you actually have time to fry an egg in the morning... Girl, I roll out of bed as late as I possibly can and rush out the door...!

  7. bahahaha mental movie montage - you do that too?!!!

  8. i wish my life actually looked more like instagram, but it doesn't. but i do love stalking it. and yeah working isn't as fun as college for sure but we gotta pay those bills! :)


your comments truly make my day! :)
thank you!

xx Caroline